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Logo Kanzlei Hasselbach

Divorce and (international) family lawyers in Frankfurt

Expertise and Experience

Every country has its own legal regime, so that expertise and practical experience are of paramount importance in international family law. Through our locations in the international cities of Cologne, Bonn and Frankfurt am Main, we have long-standing experience with family law cases with foreign dimensions and can reach the best possible outcome for you.

We provide competent consultancy and representation in divorce cases with foreign dimensions, as well as their consequences under aliens law and accompanying proceedings (such as parental care, maintenance and visiting rights for children).

We speak your language

Appointments are set up at short notice. All briefs will be forwarded to you immediately, ensuring that you are always up to date. Communication between the client and the lawyer can be in German, English, French and Italian.

We cooperate with qualified translators and thus can provide family law related consultancy services in other languages as well, so that you can deal with us in your native language.

Top Consultancy Services from an experienced lawyer

Franziska Hasselbach is a German lawyer and qualified specialist for family law. She has successfully accompanied numerous cases relating to international family law.